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- From: drtruesd@cts.com (Rosie/Dan Truesdell)
- Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors,alt.paranet.ufo,sci.skeptic
- Subject: Re: Dr. Paul Hill's repulsive force field
- Date: Sun, 07 Jul 1996 18:13:54 GMT
- Organization: CTS Network Services
- Lines: 94
- Message-ID: <4rovl3$20d@newsfeed.cts.com>
- References: <4plbkr$lf7@agate.berkeley.edu> <31D1E01D.6470@fc.hp.com> <4r0rjo$bnq@tuegate.tue.nl> <31d4137d.4011941@nntp.ix.netcom.com> <4r1pdg$mvj@pentagon.io.com> <4rmn8e$sd5@lexington.compassnet.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: drtruesd.cts.com
- X-Newsreader: Forte Free Agent 1.0.82
- Xref: news.demon.co.uk alt.alien.visitors:92325 alt.paranet.ufo:56043 sci.skeptic:77801
- renae@saratoga (Renae Ransdorf) wrote:
- >[...]
- >Since Paul Hill's book ('Unconventional Flying Objects, A Scientific
- >Analysis' 1995 Hampton Roads Publishing Company, Inc.) impressed me so,
- >I thought I'd offer a few particulars...
- >[...]
- >Mr. Hill (alas, deceased--the book was published posthumously) does
- >not claim that UFO's ARE alien craft, but that they obey (not violate)
- >the laws of physics, and therefore COULD BE alien craft.
- >Was anyone else similarly impressed with this book? RLR.
- >
- Yes, I thought he nailed UFO observation cold. Unfortunately, most
- of the severe skeptics have been so busy labeling Mr. Hill a loon
- and crackpot that they have overlooked a very important tool in
- their own favor. Maybe because the book is somewhat difficult to
- obtain, also, it reduces the chances that skeptics will read it.
- o He gives ammunition to debunk many sightings based on physics
- of what the UFOs could NOT use as power, e.g. particle beams,
- since there are no vaporized lakes or melted buildings in their
- wakes. Debunkers can use this technique to point out their
- beloved fraudulent cases. Swamp gas is getting pretty thin.
- o He delves into relativity, lightspeed, and time dilation to
- describe how the pilots need not travel FTL, nor traverse
- other dimensions. Debunkers hate FTL theories and trans-
- dimensional elves, etc., but they would need to trade off
- one ridicule weapon for another.
- o The discussions of technology are independant of ETH. Whether
- you believe in Aliens, NAZI Antarticans or US Military secret
- science, ad infinitum, the data analysis is useful.
- But, even with his exceptional skills in mathematical proofs
- and experimental validation of the UFO manuevering, radiation,
- high g-force cancellation, etc, the severe skeptics get caught
- up with the use of terms such as "force field" and especially
- the "repulsive force", of which there is purportedly no physics
- experiments yielding such evidence.
- That may be a bit hasty, I remember reading in Scientific American
- a few years ago about a possible example of repulsive force which
- was postulated to resolve observed differences in acceleration
- between masses of extreme size deltas (an error in the tower of
- Pisa falling rocks experiment.) It was thought that heavier,
- denser objects contain more of some "anti-gravity" factor than
- less dense objects. The difference was very small, but measurable.
- I don't recall any followup, or whether the theory held water.
- Another, more recent experiment in a particle accelerator created
- some very massive theoretical particles AND a few things that were
- guessed might be "gravitinos". This was in a recent Science News.
- If the graviton particle theory of gravity is valid in any way,
- then perhaps the components of gravitons might yield repulsive
- force carriers.
- Paul Hill's "repulsive force" may yet turn out less looney than
- the fanatics believe.
- I really loved the time dilation discussion. This pretty much
- allows for travel anywhere in the Universe within the pilot's
- lifetime, given enough energy to accelerate to near-lightspeed
- quickly enough. The only real problem then would be for those
- left behind. You better bring your loved ones with you, because
- as soon as your speedometer hits warp-1 everyone you left behind
- will be dead. And yet, the speedometer can be marked up to any
- warp-N depending on how many 9's follow the decimal point shaving
- lightspeed (in the point of view of those left behind).
- (NOTE: if the Universe is only 12-15 billion years old, then the
- limit of travel is well less than that, even at lightspeed, since
- the aliens would need to evolve first, then start traveling...)
- So aliens CAN get here from anywhere, assuming they have found the
- magic "repulsive force" and a quite impressive source of power.
- Of course there are many other limiting factors, but lifespan
- is not one of them.
- I don't know, for example, how they avoid the destructive effects
- of particle erosion at those speeds. Perhaps the "repulsive force"
- has a similar quality of avoiding collisions as it does avoiding
- air friction and sonic booms in the atmosphere. I think that factor
- can still be used by debunkers, too.
- At any rate, Paul Hill is well worth reading, and is certainly
- a welcome relief to the 50 year argument on whether or not
- anal-retentive is hyphenated.
- Dan